I think we all do that in some way or another. We self-impose huge expectations, and then when we don't/can't meet them we feel bad. About ourselves. For breaking the rules. The rules we made up in the first place.
So, this week, I'm hoping to blog more, but also vowing to take it a day at a time and try to do just one (or two) things a day. (kind of like a mini-52weeks.) Also, if I don't get something done, or I don't blog, I'm not going to stress about it too much. Think of this as my re-entry into 'normal' blogging / getting things done life.
Here are a few of the things I want / need to do:
1. Catch up on the blog (specifically the true love posts)
2. Update my Acting resume, and my professional resume.
3. Find a roommate. (My place is amazing, its available the middle of May / beginning of June... e-mail me about it.)
4. Send out a few headshots and resumes (actor stuff)
5. Get an oil change.
6. Reply to an email or two from Match guys.
7. Make a revised 52weeks list, so I don't have to be at a loss for what to do next.
7. Make a revised 52weeks list, so I don't have to be at a loss for what to do next.
No pressure, but I'll feel much better when all of these things are done!