Feb 16, 2011


I was going to add this one into my what's new of week 6, but it made me so happy, I decided it deserved it's own post. If you've been checking out the blog, you know that last week was actually when I was supposed to Live Philanthropic, but I got a little behind on my posts and have been trying to catch up. A few days ago I sent a message to my friend Mike who among many things is a most talented musician. I asked if he had a music-y or arts-y charity that I could donate to, and if he wanted to donate as well. Now, Mike is a busy guy, and I wasn't sure he would have time to help me out. When I hadn't heard back from him in a day or so, I assumed he wasn't interested... I was wrong!

Mike got back to me today, and actually recommended Barrel of Monkeys where he is a company member. When I let him know I had already donated there, he said he would still make a donation because he believes in the work they do. This is big to me for a few reasons: 1. Mike is a friend, but not one of my 'have to' friends*. He doesn't have to talk to me on the phone for hours if I break up with someone. He doesn't have to come see every show I'm in and tell me I was the best part even if I wasn't. And, he certainly doesn't have to bail me out of jail at 3 a.m., so him helping me out is awesome. 2. Mike is giving back to a place that he already gives his time and energy to, just because it's a great cause. I mean, would you give your boss $10.00 because you were proud of the work he did? 3. This all just reiterates how cool Barrel of Monkeys is, and what good work they do!


Charity: Barrel of Monkeys
Mike donated: $10.00

*A big thank you to my 'have to' friends for their willingness to do all the things I just mentioned, and still wanting to donate with me this week(ish)!

1 comment:

  1. You are too kind, and you WERE the best part of the show! ;)
