Jan 21, 2011

Opposite Day...(or the day I went to the Shedd and the Art Institute)



Today I got a double dose of museum.  I started the day off at the Shedd Aquarium and Oceanarium with my friends John and Marla (and their beautiful boys Logan and baby Reid), and ended my week at the Art Institue with my friend (and the birthday girl) Emily.  I've been to the Shedd a ton, and while seeing the same things over and over could have been boring, watching Logan find them for the first time was pretty exciting.  (Also, we had to keep stopping to take dance breaks- per Logan's request, so that broke things up a bit.)  After spending some quality time with some of my favorite friends, I headed over to the Art Institute where Emily graciously became my own personal tour guide and gave me a crash course on what the AI has to offer.  While we may have gotten lost a time or two, spending an afternoon surrounded by such pretty things and pretty people was well worth the confusion.

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