Jan 15, 2011


Friends, I found another keeper.*  No, not the dark haired gentleman I keep referring to, but instead the Yoga/Pilates mix I took yesterday.  I almost wasn't going to write about it today because its Saturday and who's really going to read this on Saturday?  I mean of the 17 of you that do read 52 weeks, one is my mom (hi mom). One is my friend Megan who's probably walking her dog, or still asleep, and I just figured the other 15 of you were probably at brunch.  Then I thought maybe, just maybe there were one or two of you who might like to hear abut how much I liked yoga slash pilates, so I'll tell you, quickly, so you can get to brunch.


The class was what you'd expect, we did some yoga, we did some pilates, but it was nice to be in a fairly comfortable place where the only accoutrement was my very own personal yoga mat (which I remembered to bring- little victory).  When you're in a mildly foreign environment that's pumping Lady Gaga and Black Eyed Peas over the speakers at ear splitting volume and where the pace of the whole place is go, go, go, faster, more, better, go, it was nice to do something a little more familiar, even if I had to do it right in front of the doors, and windows, and potential future husband.

*In the spirit of full disclosure, it was not the first time I had taken either Yoga or Pilates, or any combination of the two.  It was however a renewed effort on my part to actually go to a class at my gym, which I pay for every month and yet continue to just drive by on a daily basis without so much as a second thought.