Mar 14, 2011

what's new: 10.

So this week was all about positive thinking.  I have to say its really easy to be positive when you're spending time with family, celebrating with friends, and getting Dinkel's Bakery 3 days in a row.  This week was unusual for it's schedule and all the family time, but over all it was so, so, fun.  Here are a few new things I learned:

-I am with out a doubt obsessed with my nephews.

-My sister-in-law is super woman.

-My nephews love me, but they love me more when we go to the toy store.

-Little kids are so gross, cute, funny, loud, weird.

-Dinkel's Bakery is the happiest place in earth.

-I no longer trust a holiday that starts with day drinking with leprechauns.

-I am in no way 21 anymore.

-Tango Sur is a magic cure to any hangover.

-Thinking positive is just as easy and being negative, you just have to make the choice.

-I will always be happy hanging out with Megan and Becky for burritos.


  1. So true, you just have to make up your mind to be positive. Or make up your mind to be happy. The happiness follows.

  2. E- agreed! Decide to be happy, and it'll come.
