Mar 28, 2011

what's new. 12

O.k. if you had asked me on Monday what I was doing for the week I would have told you, 'cooking', but I would have been thingking 'trying not to burn down my apartment'.  I hate to beat a dead horse with talk of apartment fires, burnt food, inedible meals, and my general inability in a kitchen, but that is generally what I thought I was getting myself into.  This week however, could probably be the biggest shocker so far in that none of the afore mentioned disasters happened.  Aaaaaaaand I had fun.

I. Had. Fun. Cooking.

Here are a few things I learned while doing it:

-I am not a horrible cook.  I don't really have many (or any) instincts in the kitchen, but if I take a deep breath, I can figure it out.

-Cooking is waaaaaay less overwhelming if you calm down and do one thing at a time.

-I'm super slow at prepping.  It takes me twice as long as the recipe says.

-Patience.  I need to work on cooking patience.

-I won't be able to throw a meal together with what I have in my fridge, but I don't mind stopping by the grocery store after work.

-I now know where the bacon is in the jewel, and in life.

-I will gladly deal with the anxiety, the daily grocery trips, and the clean up for the delicious food, and even better the time spent with favorite friends.

-You're always welcome at my table, I'll just set an extra plate.

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