Sep 23, 2011

The come back kid...

So, the rumors are true!  After a huge planned(ish) hiatus, 52 weeks is coming back- and hopefully better than ever.  Now, I know you're probably like, 'What the what!?! Shannon, you can't just abandon me and then expect me to come right back and read your little bloggity-blog!'  Trust me, point taken.  I owe you a little explanation, a little catch up, and a whole lot of new things.  While I start preparing to make my comeback, I'm going to share a few of my favorite posts from before I went MIA.  It'll give you a little something to read, and me a little something to do to make it up to you.

Now without further adieu, I give you why I started to blog in the first place, What happened when I tried a spinning class, aaaaaaaaand the cult classic: Fancy B.L.T.'s.  Enjoy!

The first.

The idea was to try new things.  A lot of new things.  It all started out of the realization that I'm a lot closer to 30 than to 20, and my intense fear that the 18 year old me would be disappointed with what she sees today.  My solution was to be healthier, or take a class, or move to New York, or find myself, or become a teacher, or drink more water, or have a cannoli.  The only problem is that eating a salad after yoga class while researching Uhauls and SoHo one bedrooms all while carrying around a grad-school catalog and a Nalgene bottle is difficult.  And overwhelming.  So after a quick freak out, (and lets be honest probably a cannoli) I decided my new plan would be to do most, if not all, and maybe more of those things. separately. One week at a time.


I. Hate. Spinning.  I HATE it.  Having just finished my first (and last) spinning class I can safely say there is no way in the history of the entire world that I will ever- EVER take another spinning class again.  Apparently some people really like spinning classes.  Several people actually recommended it to me.  A few of them even used the word love.  As in they 'loved' spinning and thought I would 'love' it too.  They were wrong.  So wrong that I'm questioning how well they know me.  I mean who really loves spending 55 minutes spinning on a bike going nowhere!?!  I'm sure there are a few redeeming qualities about the class, but I don't want to talk about them right now because my vagina bones hurt so much that I can't sit down.  

Besides going nowhere and never being able to sit again, I did have one really important realization while sitting at the first bike directly in front of the mirror, the door, and every attractive guy using the free weights at my gym:  I will never be one of those people who look cute while working out.  Its almost as if I am trying to look unattractive and mildly confused.  Don't worry though, I won't let it deter me from trying a few more classes this week.  

Fancy B.L.T.'s

the spread.

basil and garlic mayo.
(which I made)



thick cut, smoked bacon.
(which I peppered)

wheat oatmeal bread.

...with spinach.



Last night's dinner was a huge success, but it almost didn't happen...

Kyle: Yelllllllllow? (That's really how Kyle answers the phone when I call)

Me: (whispering)  Hey, it's me.  Don't laugh, but where's the bacon?

Kyle:  Ummm in life?

Me: (still whispering)  No, at the jewel.  I'm making fancy BLT's and I can't find the bacon.

Kyle:  Are you by the meat?

Me:  Ummmmm yes?

Kyle:  Why is that a question?

Me:  I don't know?  There's a lot of meat in this place.

Kyle:  Go to the meat section, like where they keep the chicken and steaks and things, and look by the pork.

Me:  What does pork look like?

Kyle:  Yikes.

Me:  Wait, what?  wait, o.k. I'm by the steaks and chicken, and there's no bacon.  Should I go check by the eggs and orange juice?  It might be there.

Kyle: (laughing)  No it won't.

Me:  O.k. o.k. o.k. I'm an idiot, where's the bacon!?!

Kyle:  Calm down, and look by the packaged meats, maybe by the lunch meats, possibly by the sausage.

Me:  I see brats.  Maybe by the brats?

Kyle:  Possibly.

Me:  Oh wait, (much too loud for a crowded jewel) Oh My God!  I found the bacon!!

Kyle:  Allright!

Me: (realizing several people were looking at me) gotta go.

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