Apr 12, 2011

date bait.


This is Cash.  He's about the best 6 year old English lab on the planet, and while he's not mine, he was staying with me this week, so I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather, and his charming dog looks, and use him as date bait.

I borrowed a dog.  Pumped him full of treats.  Paraded him around Welles Park.  All in an effort to find love.

Yep. I did that.

Saturday turned out to be a total wash, but mostly due to poor planning.  I took Cash for a super long walk around my Roscoe Village neighborhood in the afternoon.  While most people we saw were impressed and awwwwed over him, those people were mostly pregnant ladies. (dear universe, you're hilarious.)

I was determined to make Sunday count, so I showered, I put on make-up, I did my hair for a perfectly done with out trying look.  Cash and I headed to Welles Park.  Bring on the dudes.  The problem with Sunday was that it was hot, like 80 degrees humid hot.  Cash is black, I have bangs.  By the time we got to Welles I was a wilted shell of my former bait like self, and all Cash wanted to do was lay in the shade far far away from all the shirtless dudes playing soccer.  Turns out the only shade at this park on this particular day was directly next to the kids playground, specifically next to where all the strollers were parked.  (dear universe, now you're just being a bitch.)  So, if you count picking up pregnant ladies, the occasional hot dad pushing a baby jogger with his 3 kids, or the one drunk lady who followed us 2 blocks, then maybe Cash and I did o.k.  But really, operation date bait was a wash.

On to the next one...

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