Apr 6, 2011

speaking of love...

O.k. friends, this week is a big one!  Not only am I finally back at the computer, and catching up on my life after being gone for a few days, but this also marks the start of a week that's taken tons of planning and that I've been looking forward to for a while now.  Also, just so you know, I'm taking this one seriously, and since one week seems like I might be rushing things, I'm going to dedicate 2 weeks to getting this job done!  (I'll also be blogging through the weekend to keep you updated.)  So, without further adieu:

This week(s) I'm going to find true love.

Find. True. Love.

For something that is as simple as a spark, it seems pretty elusive, so for the next 14 days I'm going to try a few different ways of finding it, or figuring out what it really is, or both...

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