Oct 2, 2011

Scary Movies

I wouldn't say I hate scary movies, I would say I despise them with a terror so visceral it's like my left brain has shut off, and I loose all ability to reason.  It's odd too because the things that should legitimately terrify me such as being in month 2 of my funemployment, my quickly dwindling checking account balance, or the even more crappy job market, don't really scare me at all.  In matters of reason I remain totally happily blissfully optimistic.  However, when it comes to a zombie living under my bed, or the possibility that there could be a serial killer in my closet when I get home from work and I'm all alone, I can make myself believe I am in a danger so imminent that I have been known to (on occasion) get a running start somewhere in my kitchen, leap from my doorway to my bed, and upon mattress touchdown, scramble all the way under my covers.  This way in the process, my feet never touch my bedroom floor, (where the zombies could get me) and I am hidden as quickly as possible under blankets, (clearly so the serial killer won't see me.)

However, zombies be damned, this week is the week to be scared, so I'm doing it.  With the help of my roommate Katie, I'm biting the bullet and watching a scary movie.  It has to be said that it's really hard to rent a scary movie nowadays with the lack of movie stores, and my not having netflix.  I was left with the red box, and since it's still September, the pickings were slim.  I've managed to find a thriller for Katie and I to watch, so wish us luck!

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