Mar 8, 2011

what's new. 9

Phew!  Friends, I made it.  I am officially at the last day of radioactive antibiotics, and wrapping up my week of drinking more water.  I'm not sure if it was because I went in to the week expecting the worst, or because it wasn't that bad, but this week was actually pretty great.  I've been trying to pinpoint exactly why everything went so well, and why even with such a busy week, a full social calendar, and not a drop of dairy or alcohol in sight, I'm at the other end looking back with a smile on my face.

I think one huge thing that happened (which gets it a whole paragraph, and not just a bullet point) is that I discovered how little I actually listen to my body.  I think most of us are guilty of that.  We're slaves to alarms, work meetings, grabbing lunch when we can, mindlessly vegging in front of t.v. if we get a chance, not listening to our tired worn out bodies telling us to take a breath.  With the world outside blaring so loud in my ear, its become harder and harder to hear the little things my body has been trying to tell me.  In having to be really diligent about what I ate and what I drank, when I ate or drank it, and having to stop what I was doing every few hours to take a pill,  I  effectively spent all day checking in on myself.  Here's the crazy thing:  the world didn't stop spinning, I still got everything done, and at the end of the week I am a much happier girl than I thought I would be.

Here are a few other things I learned:

-I spent 3 nights going out, and I had just as much fun with a club soda as I would have with a beer.

-I may have bemoaned drinking so much water that I thought I would drown, but my skin looks amazing.

-If I even think of getting scared at the doctor, or dentist, or grocery store, I promise to call.*

-I'm leaving the coffee at home.  (I'm just trying this one.) I'll have coffee at my place, but the rest of the day is for water.

-I really can't do it all by myself, but that doesn't mean I won't try.  I will, however, remember to ask for help if I need it.

*You guys, thank you for the nice words.  I am so grateful for the reminder, of who to rely on and how awesome you are!

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