Mar 22, 2011






Success!  Friends, I did it.  I made a meal, that was delicious, and I didn't burn down my kitchen. (Which by the way, you may think is a far fetched exaggeration, but you clearly were not here for BOTH times I set the salmon on fire in the broiler and had to put it out with several dish towels.)  I won't bore you with all the details, but a few big things happened last night.

1. I went to the grocery store.  This one is big.  You'd think as someone who's plan is to meet her future husband in the aisles of a grocery store as we both reach for the same gallon of milk, I'd spend a lot more time there.  I'm getting better at going, I just wouldn't say it happens regularly.

2.  I did this all by my self.  Full disclosure, I did call Kyle from the afore mentioned grocery store, and he did walk me through a few of the ingredients necessary, and with out his help, dinner would not have been as tasty. However, once I was home, I was totally on my own.  There was no roommate to pester with questions of temperature, and timing, and when to add things.  I successfully chopped, sauted, grilled, mashed, and plated without a single mishap, or any tears.  (There were onions.)

3.  I got to payback my roommate on the tiniest scale.  My roommate Crystal is an excellent cook.  She makes those kinds of delicious meals that aren't too fancy or pretentious, yet make you excessively happy you just got to eat them.  I would say Crystal cooks 3 or 4 times a week, and I try really hard to pull my weight, but there are only so many roaster chickens I can bring home before she wises up and realizes that this is as good as its going to get.

4.  Did I mention I didn't burn down the apartment!?!  Little victories friends.

So, for the record, this week I don't plan to turn into some sort of culinary genius.  My meals probably won't have more than 8 ingredients, and you'll probably think, 'Oh, I make that all the time'. I just want to make a few meals that are better than edible, closer to delicious, and without any calls to 911.

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