Jan 23, 2011

what's new: 3

This week's what's new is coming to you from Celtic Crown where I'm simultaneously drinking coffee and baileys, hanging out with friends, taking pictures, blogging, and praying for a bears win, but I digress. My week of museum trips left me filled to the brim with pictures and sound bites and snippets of information. Here are a few of the new things I learned:

-I love this city. I love it's history, I love it's energy, and I love actively being a part of all of it.

-No matter how 'cool' or educational, I will always get a little grossed out by filleted bodies.

-Sometimes what you're looking at isn't pretty, but it's imperative that you see and remember it.

-No matter how old you are, making a tornado, or a top with robots, or making electricity or rainbows will ALWAYS be fun.

-Fish are cool, dance parties with a 2.5 year old are better, and shark hats are the best.

-Its not always about the meaning of the art, it's just nice to be surrounded by pretty things.

-Spending time with friends will always be worth wading through science, or fish, or art, or anything really.

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