Jan 4, 2011

I have a BLOG!

I'll be honest: I pretty much knew I didn't know much when it came to starting a blog.  In fact, I spent the better part of yesterday sitting at my little white kitchen table drinking coffee and staring at my trusty lap top.  To say computers aren't really my thing would be a cop-out.  I'm not an idiot.  I'm a 20something living in 2011 with digital cable, the afore mentioned lap top, an Ipod, wireless internet, and an Iphone.  I can turn my car on from my living room, tell you the weather literally anywhere in the world, and simultaneously play "We Built This City on Rock 'n Roll" on 5 different devices in my apartment at any given time.  This coupled with my almost crippling reliance on my Iphone for everything from directions to celebrity gossip and facebook updates is proof positive that I can not only understand technology, but I also use it on a daily basis.  So, I'm a little confused as to how it took me 8 hours to create what you see before you.  I started with a phrase, that turned into picking a back ground, and before you know it I was on hour five agonizing over whether Courier or Georgia was the font that looked vintagey enough, but not too country.  All while figuring out how to navigate between a profile, a header, a gadget, and a footer.  I did this before realizing (somewhere around hour six) that I was also going to have to actually write something before the hours and the key strokes and the agonizing over fonts could be considered a blog at all.  I ended up at hour eight with a page full of words, and work that I was actually proud of.  I don't think this blog thing is rocket science, but I do think it may take me just a little while to get comfortable.  So here's to the journey, and to learning something along the way.

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