Jan 20, 2011

The Museum of Science and Industry... (or the day we didn't go to the nature museum.)

We started the day in Seattle.
(Not really.)

Nick posed by a train.

We saw a baby chick being born.
(Happy Birthday Chick!)

Nick decided to make a top.

Giant robots put it together.

Still assembling...

Sadly, it didn't pass the quality inspection.

We got bored waiting.

He finally got his Gravitron.

Nick climbed a science-y rock wall.
(I understand the science of gravity, so I did not.)

I saw my second Zach Morris phone in a week.

Nick found a light board.

He did light-y things.

Some of those light-y things.

Even more light-y things.

Then we went in the molecule mirror maze.
(It is unclear what molecules and mirrors have to do with each other.)

We toured the giant plane.

Nick sat in the engine.

I was excited Nick sat in the engine.

Nick found some electricity.

I found a double rainbow.

This guy found me.
(Filleted bodies are everywhere- crazy.)

We saw a light up dress...

and a light up bubble wall.

And I proved you can have fun, even in the gift shop.

I'm giving credit for this one to my friend Jackie. I was at brunch with another friend Nick getting ready to go to the Notebart Nature Museum when I got a text from Jackie:
'You need to go to the Museum of Science & Industry for your blog! It's the best museum! Jan 23rd is the last day for the Jim Henson exhibit!'
Nick and I were sold at Jim Henson, and in the time it took to pay the bill we changed plans and headed to the MSI. I had originally said I was going to try and go to museums that I'd never been to, but with all the changes and new exhibits, it may as well have been a totally new museum to me.