Jan 3, 2011

The first.

The idea was to try new things.  A lot of new things.  It all started out of the realization that I'm a lot closer to 30 than to 20, and my intense fear that the 18 year old me would be disappointed with what she sees today.  My solution was to be healthier, or take a class, or move to New York, or find myself, or become a teacher, or drink more water, or have a cannoli.  The only problem is that eating a salad after yoga class while researching Uhauls and SoHo one bedrooms all while carrying around a grad-school catalog and a Nalgene bottle is difficult.  And overwhelming.  So after a quick freak out, (and lets be honest probably a cannoli) I decided my new plan would be to do most, if not all, and maybe more of those things. separately. One week at a time.   


  1. i think you should start with the move to NYC one. my 2 cents... :)

  2. I think most people (more than care to admit) around our age are experiencing this exact same feeling. You are at least in good company. Good luck. Can't wait to read about your journey.

  3. As the stay-at-home mom with the soccer mom car, I'll be living vicariously this year, I can feel it :P

  4. Yay! I will follow you. You know, on your blog.
