Feb 14, 2011

Montecito Love.





Here's the deal:  I've been in Montecito for work, and I'm a little out of sorts.  Like new place, different schedule, not enough time, sporadic at best Internet, discombobulated out of sorts.  I'm working on getting a hold of myself and taking a few deep breaths, but I don't exactly know what it means for my week 7.  Also, If you're keeping track, I'm missing a few philanthropic posts.  Have no fear though, I didn't give up, I'm just waiting for the internet God's to smile on me, or for a minute to stop at a coffee shop and do some uploading.  I'll try to post them as soon as possible, and because I feel guilty about being behind, I'm going to throw in an extra charity and donation.  So, here's to catching up, calming down, and of course, love- happy Valentine's Day!

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