Feb 22, 2011

what's new. 6

So, If you're keeping track, you know I'm a million miles behind in my posts.  However, I'm also back in Chicago, with internet, thank the sweet baby Jesus!  I'm going to spend today attempting to catch up* and bring you at least a few of the blog posts I owe you.  For now, I'm super excited to share the wrap-up of my week of living philanthropic and what I learned.

-I am overwhelmed with the generosity of all of my friends!  Most of my donation requests came in the form of random texts at 3a.m. Chicago time, with minimal explanation, and each and every reply I received was an enthusiastic yes!

-I really love being a 'micro philanthropist' and am figuring ways to incorporate it into the blog, possibly weekly.

-Many of my friends, not just the ones mentioned in the blog posts, are interested in being micro philanthropists.

-All I had to do was ask.  Simple.

-Micro Philanthropy is totally do-able, and sometimes all it takes is figuring out a few great places to make a donation.

-Drum roll please... So the one you've all been waiting for, I've tallied all the donations and in a little over a week with the help of some amazing people, 52 weeks donated:

$170.00 !!

Thank you again so much to everyone who helped out with this week, whether it be donating, suggesting charities, or checking out the organizations that we donated to.

*on the subject of catching up.

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