Feb 22, 2011

what's new. 7

I feel a little guilty writing a wrap-up of a week that I didn't really blog about. (unless you count random pictures of a rented house and a bunch of oranges blogging.)  I will say though, for whatever reason, my week in Montecito turned out to be the least stressful work trip I've taken to date.  I'm still trying to figure out why so I can do the exact same things next time I have to travel.  Some of you might say, 'Well Shannon, it's probably because you left two feet of Chicago snow for sunny 65 degree weather'.  While that is true, warm weather doesn't always equal an easy time.  As evidence: the trip I took to Bermuda where I wanted to pull all my hair out, or the 'Mexico stress fiesta'.  My job is not easier done on the road, and I am easily overwhelmed when not in my 'normal' surroundings.  Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful I have the opportunity to see such beautiful places, and to experience so many new things, there is just usually at least one tearful call to my friend Megan every work trip.  However, Montecito was the amazing exception.  Whether or not it was because I made a conscious effort to stay calm, or because so much of my time was spent working- but unscheduled, or because after 2 feet of snow, grass might as well be gold, is unclear.  It is safe to say that I am back relaxed, and ready for week 8.

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