Feb 15, 2011


My guest philanthropist today is my friend from college, and favorite roommate of all time Marla.  (I've talked about her and her beautiful family here before.)  She and I actually got our 'start' while living together in college.  Mar was a horticulture/landscape design major, and basically the opposite of my acting/dance major.  While I was memorizing lines, she was memorizing types of trees and ways to maximize an open space with landscaping.  When looking for a charity for the two of us to donate to, I had my eyes peeled for and eco-y, nature-y, Chicago based organization.  Openlands came up, and when I researched it, I was really impressed.

'Founded in 1963, Openlands protects the natural and open spaces of Northeastern Illinois, and the surrounding region to ensure cleaner air and water, protect natural habitats and wildlife, and help balance and enrich our lives.'  Not only does OL believe in 'conserving nature for life', they are also a great resource for information on outdoorsy spaces, places, and adventures around Chicago.  Check out Openlands, and give the earth a high five.

Charity:  Openlands
I donated:  $10.00
Marla donated: $10.00

total: $20.00

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